Current Precious Metal Prices

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Silver Jewelry is the New Wedding Gold

Sterling Canyon reports of a new poll conducted by MVI Marketing that found that more and more consumers are buying silver jewelry than gold or platinum.  And what’s more surprising is that more people are buying silver to carry their diamonds on rather than gold.  It isn’t unusual for wedding rings now to be made of silver than 18k gold.   Gold has gotten too expensive for the average bride.   Perhaps after gold becomes more reasonably priced in a few years will people have their diamonds re-mounted in gold.  Meanwhile, silver is the new wedding gold.  Sterling Canyon carries one of the most comprehensive silver selections on the web.  Shop Sterling Canyon and you’ll always get free shipping.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Sterling Canyon Loves Elephants

Sterling Canyon on-line jewelry store reports on the environment:  "By now, many of you have heard of the actions of a competitor of ours; GoDaddy's CEO in the killing of an Elephant (An interview of his can be seen here:
We have welcomed a very large number of former GoDaddy clients over the last month due to outrage over his actions.

A client of ours showed us the video below of someone getting excited when learning about HostGator and their funny reaction about GoDaddy CEO's Actions (it's funny!):


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Understand the Lab Grown White Diamond

Sterling Canyon reports that a new diamond collection is about to emerge onto the market.  These are not ordinary diamonds from ordinary sources.  They are in fact manufactured or synthetic diamonds.  Synthetic diamonds are usually associated with drill bits or perhaps Cubic Zirconia.  Perhaps synthetic is the wrong term here.  These diamonds are lab-grown, the latest being white diamonds are large, averaging close to one carat.  They are manufactured by a company in Florida called Gemesis.  The diamonds are grown under a high pressure and high temperature process.  They are made from carbon, just like the natural ones from Mother Earth.  The Gemesis stones are unique because of their size.  They have been making colored diamonds for years but the white  variety have been a long time to perfect.  The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) has tested and graded these white diamonds.  "In the eBrief, GIA notes that all 16 diamonds submitted were round brilliants, save one rectangular-cut diamond. The largest diamond was 0.90 carats, while the smallest was 0.24 carats. None of the diamonds submitted were a carat or larger in size.     Additionally, three of the lab-grown stones submitted were colorless while the majority--11--were near-colorless, and two were lightly-colored. The diamonds were all type IIa diamonds and achieved high clarity grades, ranging mostly from IF to VVS. The report notes, however, that observations “strongly suggest” that the lab-grown stones were heat treated after growth to improve their color and transparency.  The report also states that a notable feature of the lab-grown diamonds was their weak to moderate green fluorescence in short-wave UV radiation and their characteristic growth striations.   “Although the quality of CVD synthetics continues to improve, these new products can be clearly separated from natural diamonds,” the brief concludes. 
So there you have it folks.  According to the Federal Trade Commission, retailers will need to disclose whether the rock you are about to buy is lab-grown or natural.  It's your money.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Amethyst Jewelry Tips and Trites

Sterling Canyon's secret tip into buying Amethyst jewelry. You've all seen it.  Purple gemstones that are sold in practically every department and jewelry store.  But what are they really, and how should you choose the more valued pieces?  Amethyst is a type of quartz with a form of iron embedded in it which gives it its purple or reddish purple color.  It is mined all over the world, mostly in Brazil and Ontario. It is a simple recipe that now there is widespread synthetic Amethyst on the market.  Discount Amethyst that one would buy at Macy's or Walmart most likely is synthetic.  The higher end jewelry stores like Sterling Canyon offer authentic high grade Amethyst jewelry.    Look for the deep rich color. Russian Amethyst is highly prized for its deep color.  Buy it if you can find it. It's rare. Meanwhile, shop Sterling Canyon for a fine selection of beautifully rich purple Amethyst jewelry. Free shipping.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Color My Jewelry World With Sunshine

Sterling Canyon reports that the colors are set and the styles are lasting - at least for a while as New York Fashion Week has set the stage for this year's fashions.  The styles and colors have been appearing in this year's awards shows and the verdict is - blue and green.  These colors have been appearing in the chunkiest bracelets and the longest drop earrings, and slinking down the cleavage with 20 inch necklaces.  “Fashion designers have set the stage in terms of color for the season, so we will see that well into spring of 2012,” Michael O’Connor, jewelry style expert and celebrity stylist, says. 
Variations in styles of bracelets are acceptable but the set colors of green and blue are here to stay.  Their lasting value is expected to last well into next Spring.  Sterling Canyon has added wonderful blue and green necklaces and earrings to their catalog.  What a chance to take advantage with Mother's Day around the corner.