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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

That Thar Some Nice Pearls

Alright. As I stated yesterday, hear are some points in deciding if your loved one gave you fake pearls. Warning! Do not run the tests in front of your loved one for fear of embarassing him/her. I today's technology strewn society, fake pearls are easy to find and somewhat easy to detect. If you don;t have an x-ray machine in your home, try these perfectly valid tests.

1. Bright sun - Take the strand out into the bright sun. If the tone or colors of the beads are uniform or even, if each bead is the exact same color as the next, it is probably fake. Real pearls are not perfect and will slightly differ in tone.

2. Tooth test - pretty common and pretty accurate. The nacre of the pearl is full of inclusions, bumps and ridges. Remember that a pearl is not perfect. Rub the strand of pearls across your teeth. Your dog's teeth will not work. They should feel rough. If they are smooth, probably not real.

3. Obviously fake pearls will have a ridge incircling each bead. Like two halves glued together. This is caused by the molding process.
4. Good strands will have knots tied inbetween each bead to safe guard against string failure.

Other tests not recommended because destruction of the beads will result. Hitting the beads with a hammer or cutting with a saw are not suitable tests.

Sterling Canyon is an excellent source of high quality pearls at affordable prices. Check them out and see for yourself. My wife did and she could not be more pleased.

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