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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Understand Diamond and Gemstone Clarity

I just finished reading an article describing the ins and outs of choosing a diamond,and other gemstones for that matter based on clarity.  Knowing what clarity is before you buy a $300 bracelet with red gemstones is important.  The article is from a newsletter from  and describes how to determine the clearness of the stone.  Every gemstone will have some flaws. If it is flawless, you won't be able to afford it.  OK. Let's walk into Macy's and up to the jewelry counter.  You see a beautiful necklace with a large red gemstone pendant. The lady tells you its a Ruby.  Hold it up to the light. Ask to use their loop (magnifying glass). If they don't have one, simply hold it up to the light. Knowing Macy's, you will probably see little bubbles in the stone. This means you are holding a piece of red glass.  If you see tiny fissures or cracks in it, it is probably real but very poor quality. If its a real Ruby, it will be valued at several thousand dollars, but they are trying to pawn it off to you for $125.  Walk away folks.  Don't be attracted to shiny things.  Moths are attracted to bright things.  You shouldn't. Visit Sterling Canyon for the good stuff at affordable prices.  And no glass.  

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