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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Reds and Blues Rule in Jewelry for 2011

Sterling Canyon reports from New York fashion week the coming styles in fashion for 2011.  Some are not surprising considering that with a Democrat in the White House, fashion tends to get looser, brighter and more free-form.  The fashion designers are veering toward bright colors with reds, blues, greens, purples and oranges.  In the jewelry sense, this means large and bright gemstones.  People want to be noticed and people want their jewelry to stand out for all to see.  If you are going to wear big and bright, don't let it be cheap. No plastics or Chinese imitations from Macy's or Walmart.

As with non-stone jewelry, large cuffs will be in.  Whether you wear them around your neck or around your wrist, big is in.  This large wrist cuff above is from Thistle and Bee and is solid Sterling.  Quality and function will wear well this year.  Affordability is the key and Sterling Canyon offers all three.  Shop Sterling Canyon today.

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