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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Crackdown in Childrens Jewelry

The states of Connecticut and Minnesota has recently passed laws banning jewelry, particularly childrens jewelry with high amounts of lead, cadmium and other phthalates.  This came about because parents either through indifference or ignorance continue to buy Chinese jewelry from places like Walmart and Target, and to a lesser extent, Macy's.  According to National Jeweler,  The Connecticut law (CT PL 10-113), which becomes effective July 1, 2014, limits cadmium in any children's jewelry up to 75 parts per million as measured by a total weight test. The Minnesota law (MN Chap 347, Article 6, Sec. 27) limits cadmium to the same amount, but measures the metal using a migration test, a test that determines the total amount of cadmium that can leach out of a sample over a set time period.  It's simple folks.  Don't spend $35.00 like these pictured on a dangerous item at these retailers.  Know where your purchased item is made and use common sense.  We like to buy from the on-line retailer  Sterling Canyon states where their stuff is made,and it seems to be all good quality. 

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