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Monday, July 26, 2010

The Italian Jewelry Artisans

I read an article from the National Jewelers Association that described the artistic efforts of local jewelry makers in Italy's Le Marche region.  Italy is well known for its artisans and their wares are distributed widely throughout Europe and the U.S.  The artisans and their jewelry differ markedly from that made in India and China.  Molds are cast and Sterling Silver and/or Gold is poured over forms to create wonderful necklaces and bracelets. 

You won't find this kind of quality in Walmart or Macy's.  At these places, the jewelry is created in China or India on stamping machines, and run down an assembly line rubbed by ill-trained workers for an uneven polish, guaranteed to tarnish in a few years. Yet, prices for these pieces compare well with jewelry made by the artisans in Italy.  It's so easy to be caught up with the bright lights and display cases in the department stores.  My wife would divorce me if I bought jewelry from those retailers.  Yet, she never growls when I buy, usually but not always at Sterling Canyon.

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