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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Do You Trust Cadmium Jewelry

Some people might or just don't care.  It was reported today that Federal Regulators have come up with a proposal to allow a minimum allowable amount of Cadmium on jewelry.  Remember that Cadmium is a carcinogen and is usually found on cheap, Chinese made children's baubles and bracelets.  On top of this is the plan to allow the jewelry industry to police themselves.  Great idea!  Look what happened when Wall Street bankers and the oil industry were allowed to police themselves.  This must lead the customer to think - who do you trust in the jewelry industry?  Do you trust Walmart and Macy's?  They certainly are in the same vein of selling cheap jewelry to unsuspecting customers.  As long as they can make a buck, sure why not?  Sterling Canyon offers only quality Sterling Silver jewelry made in America and Europe.  And on top of that is the 366 day return policy.

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